Pembuatan Mikro Organisme Lokal (MOL) Dari Nasi Basi Sebagai Biostarter Bokashi Dan Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) Di Rumah Bibit RW 07 Desa Sumput, Kec. Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo
Garbage, Local Microorganisms, Liquid Organic Fertilizer, Stale RiceAbstract
As population density increases, waste becomes a problem, because the volume of waste produced by humans is increasing. Household waste that initially has no useful value can become something useful if it is processed properly, for example by producing local microorganisms and liquid organic fertilizer. The aim of this service activity is to provide socialization and assistance to housewives around the Sumput Village Seed House in utilizing stale rice into local micro-organisms and liquid organic fertilizer which can reduce costs in household farming and reduce household waste that is wasted. it's useless. The implementation of the activities carried out is divided into two stages, namely counseling and training. The results of this activity show that the housewives understand the knowledge about local microorganisms and liquid organic fertilizer from stale rice and how to make it.
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