Pelatihan Pengolahan Limbah Minyak Jelantah Menjadi Lilin Aromaterapi Sebagai Produk Bernilai Ekonomi Tinggi Di RW XI Kelurahan Semolowaru
Waste, Oil Waste, Environment, Aromatherapy CandlesAbstract
Used cooking oil is waste that comes from the rest of the frying pan repeatedly (generally 4 x) so it is not suitable for reuse in processing food because the quality has decreased. The community of RW XI semolowaru, like the community in general, of course every day there must be used cooking oil waste generated from cooking activities in the household. Often, the unfit oil is thrown carelessly into the waterways. This is a very dangerous situation because it will pollute the environment. It is very important to provide training on how to process used cooking oil into something more profitable because most people do not know how to process it. One of them is processed into aromatherapy candles. The purpose of this training program is to educate and provide an understanding of used cooking oil waste processing techniques into aromatherapy candles in a complete manner starting from preparing ingredients to becoming products that are ready for use. The method of implementation in the activity is through a participatory approach where residents, especially housewives, can practice candle making directly. The expected result of the implementation of this program is that the community can be wiser in managing unused used cooking oil, the community gains new knowledge and skills, besides that it can also be an inspiration for new business opportunities to improve the economy of local residents.
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