Pengembangan Sikap Toleransi Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran PKN Di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Wonosobo
character education, tolerance, learningAbstract
Character education is education that develops character values in students so that they have values and character as their character, apply these values in their lives, as members of society, and citizens who are religious, nationalist, productive and creative. "Character education is an inseparable part of the learning process because character education is the learning process itself."The education program at MAN 1 Wonosobo can play a role in training efforts to tolerate various students, one of which is through PKN learning at the school. Young people's personalities have to make many decisions and adapt to their social life. Young people must have the courage to make decisions, solve problems and reach decisions for themselves and others. 1. This research discusses the development of an attitude of tolerance through PKN learning at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Wonosobo, whereas in this research the focus is on the following points: What is the concept of student tolerance in PKN learning at MAN 1 Wonosobo? 2. What methods do teachers use to develop students' tolerance through PKN learning at MAN 1 Wonosobo? 3. How is the implementation of developing students' attitudes of tolerance through PKN learning at MAN 1 Wonosobo? From the problem formulation, the results of this research resulted in the first discussion. The concept of students' tolerance through PKN learning at MAN 1 Wonosobo consists of 3 concepts, namely: mutual respect and respect between each other, not violating norms, and not being hostile between friends, secondly, the method used by the teacher In developing students' attitudes of tolerance through PKN learning at MAN 1 Wonosobo, the teacher uses 4 methods, including the lecture method, group discussion method, quiz method, thirdly, the implementation of developing students' tolerance attitudes through PKN learning at MAN 1 Wonosobo, the teacher prepares the materials, methods and learning media.
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