Pelayanan Pendidikkan Pelatihan Seni dan Budaya Bagi Siswa/I SMP 3 Nagawutung Kecamatan Nagawutung Kabupaten Lembata
Skills and Abilities, Demonstrations, Arts and Culture Training.Abstract
This work program is carried out with the aim of improving the skills and abilities of students at SMP 3 Nagawutung through arts and culture training. The method used in this activity is the Demonstration Method with the aim of finding out the skills and abilities of SMP 3 Nagawutung students directly. Arts training activities and this culture produces several works of art in the form of (traditional/cultural dances, poetry, speeches, vocal exercises and is performed at the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. The main targets in this activity are students of SMP 3 Nagawutung.
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